Thursday, July 8, 2010

It begins

After many tearful goodbyes I'm finally on the road!
For my first adventure I headed from Ohio to the Allegheny Mountains in northern PA for the Rainbow Family of the Living Light gathering.
"The Rainbow Family of Living Light (commonly shortened to the Rainbow Family) are a loosely affiliated group of individuals committed to principles of non-violence and egalitarianism. They put on events known as Rainbow Gatherings."
When I got there I was surrounded by so much love it was incredible! Everyone was so nonjudgmental and friendly that you really did feel home.
Grandpa Woodstock
Grandpa Woodstock is a legend at Rainbow Gatherings.

tents set up throughout the woods is a common sight, although many people stay by camps or kitchens
kitchen sign
Trail signs point you in the direction of different camps and kitchens you can visit
everyone is so nice you can just sit down, grab some food and hang out.
fat kids kitchen
Sample of what the kitchens look like.

Water came from natural springs that go through a filtration system (see below)
water supply

I had some of the best food ever out in the woods! Camp Iris made this beautiful combination, there are beans, potatoes, eggs, then they mixed it up with salsa I believe and wrapped the ingredients up in egg roll shells. So Good!!!
food at Iris camp

swimming/bathing hole
One of the swimming/Bathing holes

welcome to eternal life
One of the signs around main circle with a brother sleeping underneath.

I ended up setting up my tent near the drum circle which was amazing! I fell asleep to people drumming and playing flutes and dancing then I woke up to people druming, playing flutes, and dancing!
Down one trail near my camp was the trade circle where you could trade anything for anything(except money), I traded a quartz crystal for some darling swirly earrings with stars in the center!
The last morning I was there I woke up and saw people doing yoga up on a hill so myself and a few others from the campfire went up there and danced and did yoga to thank the sun for bringing us another beautiful day.

I was a bit hesitant to go at first, it was out of the way and would involve backtracking to get to my previously planned route, but after being there and experiencing the beauty and love and peace that surrounds everyone and everything I am so so so happy I made the detour!!!


Now back on the road!


  1. What an awesome beginning!!

  2. LOVE YOU, Girl!!!! Looks/sounds awesome!!
    Many Blessings on your Grand Adventure
    Peace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
